Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby with fresh pigeon kill – June 25th, 2011

This afternoon we spotted Bobby the red-tailed hawk plucking/picking at his freshly-killed pigeon he then delivered to his chick Pip. Footage taken Saturday, June 25th, 2011. Within a few minutes we saw Pip eating this fine meal in another location with relish.

Bobby delivering fresh pigeon kill – June 25, 2011

We saw Bobby take a freshly-killed pigeon to the top of a high building by the park to render it. He could be seen plucking it a couple of minutes earlier on a lower roof top. In this video, you see Bobby fiddle with the pigeon before swooping down to deliver it to Pip. The group that was there today was lucky to see Pip enjoying that pigeon meal!

Hawk Family Visit, June 25th, 2011

It was a good day of Pip-watching today. A good number of happy Pipsters and friends showed up to see if Pip would make an appearance. She did not disappoint. Before I arrived, she was seen eating on the top of a parapet on the new building she spends most of her time on.

After I arrived, I got to see Bobby picking away at a freshly-killed pigeon then take it to a nearby rooftop for further butchering before bringing it to Pip to enjoy. Pip took a good ten minutes or so to finish her meal. I took some video footage of Bobby with the pigeon and Pip eating it. The footage will appear in follow-up posts. For now, here are some photos from today!

A block from the park was a cardinal and nest! My goodness, this was a nice surprise!

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