Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Pip may have flown the Coop/Co-op

The last time I saw Pip was on August 4th, per my post from that day: I looked around the blogosphere and saw no mention of any confirmed sightings of her any day after that.My guess is she has flown the coop. Her departure was to be expected but it’s a bit tough at the moment to absorb that possible reality. I feel sad I never got to see her in action hunting, catching, killing and eating her own prey. I have heard rumors that others have seen her do so but there’s no confirmation of that (at least I haven’t seen proof of that) so my mind is not at rest in that regard.I trust my fellow Pip lovers will know what I mean when I write our little girl grew so fast and so strong and we are so immensely proud of her.My hope is that I’m wrong and we will see her at least one more time before the end of the month or during the early part of next month (when most of us heard she was ‘due’ to leave the area). But if she truly is gone, I have no shame in admitting there is a bittersweet lump in my throat.I’ll continue to photograph Violet and Bobby or any other hawk I come across and post their photos in my blog as I have been. And I’ll be compiling and posting video and photo ‘out takes’ of Pip and her parents I hadn’t blogged before so the story is not over yet!Instead of ending this post by writing, “Good bye, Pip” I’ll instead state, “Hope to see you again.. and soon!”

Bobby and Violet at both parks – August 15, 2011

Today was a vacation day for me so in the late morning, while the rain was abating, I went to Washington Square Park with a friend to look for hawks. We sat on a bench for about half an hour with no sighting until a hawk (most likely Bobby) flew from the Southeast corner of the park toward Union Square Park in a straight, determined line. We immediately jumped from our seats and headed to Union Square Park.

Wanting to test how quickly we could get from park to park, we put some hustle in our bustles and timed our walk at six minutes. When we arrived at Union Square Park, I saw a hawk seated atop the ConEd building, a now common perch for them. My friend noticed that there were actually two hawks seated on the top of the building. Zooming in with my camera, I could tell that the hawks were Violet and Bobby.

Continue to the full post… “Bobby and Violet at both parks – August 15, 2011”

Brief WSP visit, no hawks – August 14, 2011

Because I’m such a hawk addict, I walked over to Washington Square Park on this rainy day to have a look for any of the hawks for a few minutes. I had no luck seeing any of them but it was just as well since it would have been tough to hold my non-waterproof camera in one hand and my umbrella in the other. We’re supposed to have rain for the next few days so chances are slim I’d spend much time in either Washington or Union Square Park or see hawks while there. I’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, here are a couple of snaps I took today of the nearly empty but very wet park.