Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk Sighting – Tommy, the Tompkins Square Park hawk

This morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting on a bench in Tompkins Square Park (further Southeast of Washington Square Park) when I spotted its resident hawk, Tommy, soaring above and making lazy circles in the sky. Yes, you can imagine I cursed that I did not have my camera on me but at least it was nice to see him and to have at least one hawk sighting of the day.The link below leads to nice photos of him:

No hawks Friday the 5th & Saturday the 6th

On Friday a large contingent of Pip-watchers looked for the hawks in Union Square Park and Washington Square Park Friday evening but saw no one. It was during after work hours so maybe we just missed them or they were hanging out elsewhere.Saturday was pretty rainy and although a friend and I looked in Washington Square Park and along 5th Avenue for a while, still no sight of them.When we have seen them in the past, we were spoiled with such amazing sights so two days of nothing is such a let down. 🙂

Pip and Bobby – Union Square Park – August 4, 2011

It was a fine evening of hawk-watching tonight. At first, a friend and I searched Washington Square Park for our bird friends. After having no luck, I suggested we try to find them in Union Square Park. I managed to spot Bobby atop of the ConEd building at 14th Street and Irving Place. Notice he was being harassed by a bird at the time. He was not bothered and went about his calm perching:

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