Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Violet! September 1, 2011

Amazing. I had gotten a tip from a fellow hawk-watcher that she had seen a hawk sitting on a building near her home by Washington Square Park. She could not stay to watch the hawk but for a couple of hours this afternoon, several others of us watched as it sat perched above MacDougal & West 3rd Streets. It relaxedly sat and preened and otherwise looked around at the world beyond. Since Bobby was in full view for so long last night, I assumed tonight’s hawk was him.

It was only after looking through my footage when I got home that I saw Violet’s tell-tale identification tag around her right leg. This is such great news! It means they are together, healthy, content, and confirms yet again Bobby and Violet are Washington Square Park residents.

Notice the color similarities between her tail feathers and the bricks: red clay, dark lower band, and light-colored tips to match the mortar. Don’t you just love little discoveries like that? You could even almost say her back feathers match the left-hand wall’s bricks:

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