Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby hunting and eating prey – August 31, 2011

I and a few other hawk-watchers followed Bobby for over an hour as he flew around Washington Square Park in search of prey. He had a couple of misses until he snatched a small mouse from a bush and ate it in one gulp. The evening ended when Bobby flew out of the park and we lost sight of him as he turned onto Broadway.

In this video you hear random conversations of hawk-watchers and park goers as well as the sounds of cicadas and ongoing construction.

Bobby always in the distance, September 2, 2011

It was a tough night of hawk-watching tonight. I say that only because although it was wonderful to see a hawk for the third night in a row, it was heartbreaking to not get as close as I’ve gotten used to getting in order to take detailed photos and feel connected to the hawk(s); however silly that may sound.

After circling Washington Square Park with a fellow hawk-watcher for close to an hour, he spotted what turned out to be Bobby on a building top at the complete far end of the park from where we were walking.

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