Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby and Rosie have copulated! February 15, 2012

I received the report from JumpFlapper who witnessed the event with other Hawk-watchers in Washington Square Park today.

Rosie and Bobby were seen copulating on the Judson Memorial Church cross at roughly 3:50PM today.

This is very exciting news. I hope they mate (or have been mating) often so the chance of them having a successful brood in the spring increases manyfold.

One of my Hawk-watching friends generously shared photos of the event for me to post (anonymously) and show you. They are incredible! Thank you!

In the photo below, you see Rosie awaiting Bobby’s arrival:

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Valentine’s Day with Central Park hawk pair – February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I visited The Plaza area of Central Park (better known as Grand Army Plaza) today in the hopes of seeing the red-tailed hawk pair that frequents it. I’ve been told that the hawks may be hawks nicknamed Pale Male Jr. and his mate Charlotte.

I’ve seen the hawks in the same large area of the park nearly every time I’ve visited the park. Today was no different.

You can see one of the hawks two windows to the right of the yellow banner (between the first two green-bordered windows):

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Brief visit to a roosting Bobby – February 13, 2012

I had the chance to stop by Washington Square Park last night. I checked Bobby’s latest favorite roost and was happy to find him perched there. He was peacefully tucked in despite the busyness on the street and sidewalk below. His white feathers were virtually luminescent because of the nearby lighting. I watched him for a couple of minutes before making my way home.