Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby perched always on high – March 13th, 2012

Bobby was perched high above during my entire visit tonight. He was first perched on a building on the southwestern corner of Washington Square Park:

A pigeon fleeing for its life:

Bobby was hidden from view no matter how far back I moved down the street to see him.

Within a couple of minutes he popped back into sight:

He flew across the park to the northeast:

He was far to the east, on the tallest perch within several blocks. I’m sure he’s able to view the entire park and any interloper or migrant:

A Peregrine Falcon made some close dives at him. I theorized with a friend that perhaps the reason why it came so close to Bobby was because its springtime hormones too were ramped up and it was likely as protective of its own nest.

The nest is looking well.I like that Rosie used yellow and white rope for the nest. Rosie and the webcam camera were not visible from my vantage point:

Headless-looking during a preen:


He sat on the perch for an hour. My first photo of him on the antenna was taken at 5:53, last one with his feet still in contact with the antenna at 6:54.

Flying north:

I didn’t see Bobby the rest of the night.

Washington Square Park arch:

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