Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie Hawk in Union Square Park – July 11th, 2012

I hadn’t seen Rosie for the last few days so I began to wonder if she was out and about on her own like Violet was last year after Pip had fledged. With her maternal duties relatively over for the season, Rosie has been free to galavant about other parts of the city near Washington Square Park.

I received a tip late this afternoon that Rosie had been seen in Union Square Park (USP) today. USP is eight or nine blocks north of Washington Square Park (depending on which entrance you go to). I went to investigate with a friend after work and there she was! Apparently she had attacked and killed a squirrel a little more than an hour before I had arrived.

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Bobby on board and fledgling’s squirrel snack – July 7th, 2012

It was the hottest day of the year today. We reached a very muggy 99 degrees. I made a point of going to the park as early as I could before it got too hot.

One of the fledglings drifted in one straight line from a tree to a bench with feet dropped down. It really is one of the best sights ever and I was disappointed I couldn’t capture it.

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