Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

My Hawking report from the last two days (9/17 and 9/18)

9/17: I went to Washington Square Park in search of Bobby and Rosie for about an hour and a half after work but didn’t see either of them. I did see the tail of the squirrel Rosie caught on Saturday hanging over the edge of the branch she brought it to. That’s all I could see of the body though so I don’t know if she or Bobby ate any of it since Saturday.

9/18: It was raining and very windy so I didn’t go to the park.

On the upside, NYU officials responded to my letter about what looks like a plastic bag in the Bobst Library nest and assured me they would see if their Facilities department can find a way to remove the bag.

Itty bitty Hawk sighting – September 16th, 2012

The only sighting I had of Rosie and Bobby during my two hour visit to Washington Square Park today was of them soaring and circling very high up in the sky. I assume it was them anyway considering they were flying near their territory. They were above roughly 12th – 14th Streets from what I could tell. Such a sighting was better than nothing!