Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie’s dinner before sunset – September 14th, 2012

I searched for Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks Bobby and Rosie for a half hour with no luck until I saw a small crowd gathered by a low fence, watching something intently on the grass in front of them.

Hooray, it turned out to be Rosie eating pigeon dinner. I hadn’t seen the Hawks in four days so I was pretty glad and relieved to see her.

A woman walking on the lawn didn’t notice Rosie:

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Rosie’s rat babies, Bobby’s twigging – September 9th, 2012

I saw Rosie and Bobby in Washington Square Park for an hour and forty five minutes today before they flew far from the park. They disappeared to places unknown to do what I assume they normally do during the time we local Hawk-watchers call “The Witching Hour”. It’s the span of time in the late morning to early afternoon when the Hawks are nowhere to be found. They have been more present and active in the park in the early morning lately.

We had rainstorms yesterday so I could not visit the park until this morning. I got word that Rosie and Bobby were together and hanging out in the trees at the northern border of the park.


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