Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Red Roosters – January 7th, 2013

Bobby roosting the evening of January 7th, 2013

Sunday, January 6th: As other Hawk-watchers let me know, Bobby and Rosie roosted in their regular respective roosts as of late. Rosie overnighted at the Red Roost Inn and Bobby at his window tree.Rosie’s right eye was already cleared up which was a relief to hear!

Monday, January 7th: I stopped by the roosts after work tonight. It was so dark at the Inn, I could not get a good shot of Rosie at her roost. But she was most definitely there. I then went to Bobby’s regular roost and he was there too!

Rosie’s four rodents and Bobby’s later appearance – January 5th, 2013

I was at Washington Square Park listening to nearby squirrels giving their warning cries to each other (indicating one of the resident Red-tailed Hawks was around). I was looking at all the trees around me for a Hawk but was thoroughly confused why I wasn’t seeing one.

I saw a fellow Hawk-watcher down my path so I waved hello and started walking toward him. He was waving at me to stop and pointed to the ground. There was Rosie, right near me, on the other side of a fence!

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