Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk updates from last few days – January 4th, 2013

Flirting Southeastern Central Park Red-tailed Hawks, January 3rd, 2013

I’m a bit backlogged with Central Park Hawk photos (four days’ worth) that I intend to post soon. Life gets in the way of my bloggery sometimes.I also have the last day’s photos from my Tasmania trip to sort through and upload!

I have a few Washington Square Park Hawk updates I can share thanks to a couple of my fellow Hawk-watchers who could be in the park while I was back at work.Tuesday, January 1st: Rosie was very active in the park trees in the morning but then flew west out of the park and out of sight for a while.

Wednesday, January 2nd: Rosie was seen eating a pigeon on an apartment air conditioner. Bobby watched her eat. Rosie finished eating and flew to a couple of perches before going to the Red Roost Inn to retire for the evening. Bobby went to the Inn too to join her. After a few minutes he left the Inn to go to the pigeon and eat his fill. He then returned to the Inn after eating for the night.

Thursday, January 3rd: Bobby and Rosie roosted together for the night.