Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Nest switches and plastic – April 24th, 2015

One of the Tompkins Square Park Hawks was on a regular perch while I was en route to Washington Square Park:

It’s pretty nice to see Hawks there so often, especially on days when I am not birding and just going about on a regular day.


Sadie flew into the nest shortly after I arrived in Washington square Park. She was toting a plastic garbage bag:

She started incorporating the bag into the frame of the nest:

Watching her do so was reminiscent of the nightmarish time when a plastic bag handle was temporarily wrapped around the leg of one of Rosie and Bobby’s babies in 2012.

Bobby stood up from the nest bowl:

I was relieved when I saw the bag fly away after 5 minutes:

Bobby left the nest seconds later:

He flew over the eastern side of the park then landed on One Fifth Avenue:

Geese flew overhead:

Bobby left One Fifth after half an hour:

He flew low toward pigeons but continued on to the nest:

Yet another piece of plastic flew from the nest, this time when Bobby jumped out of the nest:

He circled high above the library:

He flew southwest and out of sight.

The mermaid kite from the other day was not doing so well:

Bobby returned to One Fifth without my noticing. I spotted him there half an hour after he had flown southwest.

Enjoying a scratch:

From cloudy to sunny:

A piece of paper flew out of the nest:

Bobby then left One Fifth after half an hour and flew northeast.

I saw him return to the nest about 45 minutes later.

Sadie flew out of the nest:

She circled above the eastern side of the park then disappeared when flying north.

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