Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby on the tippy top of the Con Ed tower – March 12th, 2016

My Hawking was brief today but I got to see Bobby on the Con Ed tower and either him or Sadie flying over Broadway toward Washington Square Park later on.

The Empire State Building as seen from the park (the arch on the left, One Fifth Avenue on the right):

Bobby was on the tippy top of the Con Ed tower:

The nest is looking well:

I had to run errands by the Con Ed tower so I got to get a closer view of him half an hour later:

I saw one of the Hawks fly over Broadway and 10th Street (heading toward Washington Square Park) when I was done with my errands 45 minutes later. I didn’t have my camera handy to take a photo and identify which Hawk it was though.

I reentered Washington Square Park but didn’t find either Hawk. A fellow Hawk-watcher did get to see the Hawks when I wasn’t there though so that was good.

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