Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Robust nest and more signs of spring – March 8th, 2016

I did not get to see either of the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks today however a fellow Hawk-watcher did see Sadie early this morning.

The nest wall is looking quite tall and well:

Crocuses are blooming (they’re early springtime flowers):

There is a lot of renovation and construction going on around the park. One crew has been busy replacing the underground infrastructure of pipes and wiring below Washington Square East:

There were a few Dark-Eyed Juncos on the lawns and Woodpeckers flitting about the trees. Juncos stay in our area during the wintertime and will be leaving the area between mid-April and mid-May for their spring migration.

Downy Woodpecker:

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