Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby delivers food, Sadie feeds the kids – May 8th, 2016

We’ve had days of rain in NYC which curtailed my Hawking a bit. The weather broke and we had a beautiful day overall today.

Bobby was circling over Washington Square Park when I arrived today. He was toting food for his kin, a small dead bird:

He brought it to the nest after a minute:

Sadie had been taking a break nearby and flew in right after him:

Bobby departing:

Sadie fed the kids:

He left his new perch after 15 minutes:

He flew to a block of antennas northeast from the park. The Hawks perch there from time to time; probably because it’s the tallest building in that area to scan their territory from.

Not quite:

NYU’s Silver Center in the foreground:

Sadie sat beside the nest and preened for several minutes.

Bobby flew southward and out of sight.

Sadie eventually moved back into the nest:

It was a good time for me to leave for the day so I skedaddled.

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