Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Sadie dazzles above 5th Avenue – September 1st, 2017

A 35 minute search of Washington Square Park this morning bore no Hawk sightings at first.

Workers assembling a replacement water tower:

The sky was full of Mares’ Tails, indicating a storm is coming.

We are expecting rain Saturday and Sunday but you wouldn’t know it going solely by how blue the sky was today.

I walked up 5th Avenue to see if Sadie or Bobby were on their northern perches.

Sadie showed up almost immediately circling above 5th Avenue and 10th & 11th Streets:

A kindly gentleman and his teenage son stopped to watch her with me. It turns out the father is well acquainted with the Tompkins Square Park Hawks who are his neighbors.

The duo went on their way. Sadie circled some more then tucked into a dive and flew further northeast:

I searched for her on the ConEd tower in the hopes she was there like she was on August 28th but it was not to be.

She was on some mystery sojourn because I didn’t find her after searching for about a half hour for her.

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