Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

[Video] First fledge for Washington Square Park Hawks – June 16th, 2018

A fellow Hawk-watcher told me at 8:48PM that it looked like there was a fledge. He checked with his sources and it all looked confirmed.

I had been watching the nest cam on and off all day and a couple of minutes before and during his news and had been wondering where the third Hawk baby was! There was Bobby, Sadie, and two of the babies in the nest at the same time but no third Hawk baby.

I was then updated and told the people behind the Hawk cam archived the fledge video. The fledge actually took place at 6:20PM! Without further ado, below is the footage of the fledge!

Screen shot of the jump:

2018 NYU Hawk cam Red-tailed Hawk baby flying out of nest for first time

Congrats to the little adventurer!

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13 thoughts on “[Video] First fledge for Washington Square Park Hawks – June 16th, 2018

  1. I was in the park today, but the nestlings looked so calm, I left. Couldn’t believe one fledged! Now the fun begins. Congrats. 🙂

    1. I know the pain of that “aww shucks!” moment when you find out you missed some sweet action. These three kiddos are going to run me ragged but I’m going to love every minute of it. 🙂

  2. Great news! Thanks for letting us know! Looked like the little one had good wings; she seems to have flown several blocks anyway. Hope she stays close by for meals.

    1. It was around 8:40PM when Sadie brought out a huge meal from the nest and toward where the fledgling flew. So I’m hoping she was bringing it to the fledgling to eat. The babies always stay within a block of (or in) the park at first so I’m optimistic.

  3. Mazel Tov to the little winged family! I remember when Pip fledged. It was bitter but it was sweet. Good luck Little One!


  4. So tentative …wonder what ticked in the little Hawk’s instinct button…
    “Time to go ” and he seemed to disappear in his flight…
    My heart took such a dip as off he flew to his New Foundland
    Such a myriad of emotions…a bit sad in the goodbye and so proud of Bobby and Sadie,too.
    Thanks Roger…I feel the same as when each of my own Chicks, so many years ago…took flight…
    some sadness and such pride at their courage.

  5. What a lovely moment to witness. Like Jeanne, I wonder what clicked in the little hawk’s mind, saying it was time to go. Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. My heart was in my throat the whole time! Especially when he hop stepped toward the edge. Wow. Glad and sad together.

  7. Just remembering Pip w/ Bobby and Violet…
    Do you remember, we were engaged in naming the young hawk, in 2011
    I suggested Zephyr for the wind stream , he would soon be grabbing in his flight to the freedom of adulthood,
    but Pip was chosen …we do not forget “the Pip”
    Bobby remains w/ us ,Happy Fathers’ Day to Bobby and all the dads out there
    Violet is no longer flying w/ her partner or in the community of hawks …do we know where Pip has
    flown ?

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