Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby goes night-hunting – June 15th, 2018

The Washington Square Park Hawk babies were resting when I first arrived but then switched into jump-flap mode across the nest ledge:



A fellow Hawk-watcher and I had been enjoying the youngsters for a little over an hour when all of a sudden Bobby flew over the tree canopy and landed on the corner of NYU’s Silver Center.

He looked radiant in the sunset:

He sat for 4 minutes then leapt off and flew past the nest:

He flew over the park square and descended into the western trees:

I was thrilled because it had been a long time since I had seen him do some night-hunting.

In one of his favorite trees:

He dove to a lower tree to hunt from. One of the park regulars pointed him out to passersby:

Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk Bobby sitting low in tree with crowd of onlookers nearby

Bobby moved on to another tree:

He left his new tree after 8 minutes:

He flew over the park square and to the east side trees:

He sat in his tree for 25 minutes before diving down for some prey.

He came up with a rat. He landed on a playground structure with it before flying west and disappearing on us.

We returned to the Hawk babies and saw one of them sitting on the nest ledge while the other two were lying down.

It got darker and darker and we waited for half an hour for mama Sadie Hawk to come to the nest and sit with them overnight as she usually does but she never came.

I was a little concerned that Sadie did not show up but a fellow Hawk-watcher saw her the next morning so all’s well with her.

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6 thoughts on “Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby goes night-hunting – June 15th, 2018

  1. Roger you outdid yourself all time with this set of photos.
    That was the most beautiful sunset for you to enjoy;
    Bobby on the branch wowing you and his onlookers!
    Gorgeous work and timing for every shot!
    Thank you immensely. I will be viewing this many more times
    to relax

  2. Your photographs of Bobby show just how majestic he is. It’s moving to see him so comfortable in his realm. He’s truly elegant and gorgeous, and your photos of him show all of these qualities. Many thanks.

  3. Roger,
    A beautiful capturing of natures’ “End of Day” and Bobby cavorting about, demonstrating his powerful wing
    span and flying abilities. Avel is correct…you provide pictures that soothe and relax…especially the sun resplendent on the buildings …a Zen moment, for sure.
    I notice, the youngins’ continue to have missing feathers in their wing display…when are they able to produce a full row , “in order to fly the coop”?
    Thanks for wonderful pictures of our favorite “toddlers” in the nest…soon to enter the world w/o Mom and Dad.

    1. Thank you! We had the first fledge of the season right before 6PM tonight! Link is here. Their wings may look scrappy but they always surprise us with their abilities!

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