Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Fledglings play together in trees, dive around people – July 18th, 2018

Today’s Washington Square Park visit was full of fun action. The fledglings play-dove at each other, at leaves on the ground, and flew close between and past park-goers. There were times when the fledglings dove at squirrels on the lawns but would fly past the critters and grab and carry clumps of leaves instead.

The pictures below are highlights from a 4 1/2 hour visit. The day ended with one of the fledglings circling high above the park:

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling sitting in Washington Square Park tree with back facing

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling stretching wing and foot in Washington Square Park tree

Scrunch and spring:

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling about to jump off Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling jumping off Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling looking up in Washington Square Park tree


NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling looking at viewer, Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying low above Washington Square Park lawn

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying past sibling in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledglings sitting together on Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying behind park-goers in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling sitting in Washington Square Park grass

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying past woman in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying between people in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying past people in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying past people in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling landing on Washington Square Park light pole

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling sitting on Washington Square Park light pole

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying off Washington Square Park light pole

Leaving its sibling on the bough:

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying away from sibling in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledglings sitting together on Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying from sibling in Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying from sibling in Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying low above Washington Square Park lawn

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying toward man sitting on Washington Square Park bench

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling sitting on Washington Square Park light pole with crowd below

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling sitting on Washington Square Park light pole with crowd below

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying past sibling in Washington Square Park

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledglings sitting together on Washington Square Park tree

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying above Washington Square Park trees

NYC Red-tailed Hawk fledgling flying above Washington Square Park

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6 thoughts on “Fledglings play together in trees, dive around people – July 18th, 2018

  1. How starling to have a hawk swoop past you while walking in the park.
    I am not so sure I could handle it w/o a big duck and cover.
    The fledglings appear to be unafraid of the people they startle in their fly-bys
    Thanks for the
    5 hours in the park, you are enjoying Hawk and people watching, also.
    The last picture of the hawk in the sky, shows the underbelly design of the feathers…
    unbelievably perfect in coloring and markings. Nature at its best…are our hawks.
    Thanks for your efforts , I feel I am in the park or in the trees ,sharing a break on a branch w/ the “kids”

    1. It’s an amazing feeling having these big birds of prey fly right near you. I forgot to mention in the post that the fledglings sometimes chirp when they are coming. It gives me a heads-up to get my camera ready. They are so fun!

  2. Great shots of the hawk flying up close and personal with the people. I wonder what the humans are thinking? Are they aware of the hawk family and that these are baby hawks. Are they afraid of the hawks? They shouldn’t be. The hawks are having so much fun! And what a wonderful place to fly around in, with your nest mates and Mom and Dad nearby. I will miss them so much after they fledge. Thank you for sharing your photos. I’ve been following these hawks since the days of Violet and Pip.

    1. It was quite the spectacle. The pigeon-feeding guys were pointing out the fledglings to the crowd. The fledglings really gave them a show! There were shouts of “Ooh” and “Woah!” when the youngsters were flying close to them. It was pretty funny.

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