Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby’s pigeon lunch, Sadie and youngster Hawk in the park – December 19th, 2018

There was some great Hawk action in Washington Square Park during my hour and a half visit today.

The pigeons were flying in a panic for a few minutes, acting like they were being chased and hunted.

I just happened to glance at the small cross atop the Judson Memorial Church and spotted Bobby sitting there with a pigeon in his clutches:

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby sitting on a church cross with pigeons in his talons

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby sitting on a church cross with pigeons in his talons

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby sitting on a church cross with pigeons in his talons

He jumped off his perch within seconds and descended to a tuck-away spot (presumably to eat):

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying from a church cross with pigeons in his talons

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying from a church cross with pigeons in his talons

I walked all around trying to get a look at where he went but couldn’t see him. I knew I only had around 20 minutes to find him because that’s how long it takes for the Hawks to devour a pigeon.

I gave up my search and waited in the park square in the hopes he’d return.

He reappeared, flying over the park square 24 minutes later!

He had a nice, full crop:

Bobby flying above Washington Square Park

Bobby then surprised me by giving out a loud scream before darting into a pigeon flock before heading north:

Bobby flying into a pigeon flock

Bobby flying into a pigeon flock

Bobby flying into a pigeon flock

I saw a second Hawk further up 5th Avenue which indicated to me that Bobby was chasing it away from his territory.

Bobby flying up 5th Ave:

Bobby flying north on 5th Avenue

View of the Empire State Building and the park Christmas tree beyond the arch:

Empire State Building and the Christmas Tree seen under the Washington Square Park arch

Sadie flew from behind me three minutes later and headed north as well:

Sadie Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

Sadie Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

Sadie Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

She did not join Bobby. She circled around the One Fifth Avenue apartment building for a couple of minutes before disappearing northeast.

There was heavy news helicopter activity southeast of the park. Channel 4 and Channel 7 choppers hovered, obviously collecting footage for some breaking news reports:

Channel 4 news helicopter flying near Washington Square Park

Channel 7 news helicopter flying near Washington Square Park

I found out later that they were taking footage of a building fire on Mott Street. The eventual Channel 4 and Channel 7 stories. Just another day in the Big Apple.

Prism in the sky:

Prism in the clouds above Washington Square Park

I spotted one of the Hawks atop the Con Edison building 18 minutes after I last saw Sadie but I couldn’t tell which Hawk it was:

Washington Square Park Hawk sitting on the Con Edison tower

A young Red-tailed Hawk soared over the park several minutes later:

Young Red-tailed Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

Descending far west of the park:

Young Red-tailed Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

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4 thoughts on “Bobby’s pigeon lunch, Sadie and youngster Hawk in the park – December 19th, 2018

  1. “Prism in the Sky” could be an oil painting…wondrous, what you exact w/ your lens.
    “The City through the Arch” ,framed would be lovely on any wall in home or office.
    Thanks, Roger_Paw.

  2. I second Jeanne! We love, love the hawks, but those other pix you take are like extra treats! The “prism” I made my wallpaper. Beautiful.

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