Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

[Video] Hawks together on the tower, squirrel steals from another squirrel – December 23rd, 2018

It was a pretty routine day for the bird and animal residents of Washington Square Park today. Park pigeons got chased by a Cooper’s Hawk and both Red-tailed Hawks hung out together on the Con Edison tower for most of my visit.

Pigeons waiting for the next swoop by the Cooper’s Hawk:

Pigeons sitting together on the Washington Square Park arch

Both Hawks were sitting together on the Con Edison tower northeast of the park (and just east of Union Square Park):

Bobby and Sadie Hawks sitting together on the Con Edison tower

Here is a visual of the location of the Con Edison tower in relation to Union and Washington Square Parks (the tower is indicated by the orange star):

The Con Edison building in relation to Union and Washington Square Parks

I caught up with a Blue Jay singing in a tree:

Blue Jay singing in a Washington Square Park tree

Sadie approached the park and circled the One Fifth Avenue apartment building (located just north out of the park) half an hour later then flew east.

Both Hawks together again a half hour after that:

Bobby and Sadie Hawks sitting together on the Con Edison tower

A Cooper’s Hawk chased the pigeons but was too fast for me to catch a picture of it.

The pigeons in a loose scramble:

Washington Square Park pigeons flying in a big flock over the square

What really capped my visit was squirrel behavior I happened to catch on video when I was on my way out of the park. I watched as a squirrel buried food for later. A second squirrel who had been sitting nearby and watching the activity then made its way over to the food and took it for itself. I found it surprising but hilarious to watch:

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6 thoughts on “[Video] Hawks together on the tower, squirrel steals from another squirrel – December 23rd, 2018

  1. Looking at the thief and the size of his girth , I think he has done this before!
    What a hilarious “catch”, Roger _Paw …the animal kingdom is not too different from the human behavior …or is it the other way around?
    Thanks for sharing this little bit of life in the WSP w/ us all …at this Christmas , you are a gift to us.

  2. I love the video!! Squirrel thievery! I agree with Jeanne, that squirrel is fat and healthy looking, and now perhaps we can guess why. And I agree with her also in saying you are a gift to us Roger_Paw. I love visiting this blog and seeing all your magnificent photos of the hawks, the birds, the squirrels. Makes me feel like I’m there. Happy New Year to you and yours. Best wishes, Carlene

    1. Thank you!! Merry Christmas to you too! You guys keep me going so the feeling is mutual. 🙂 It’s so lovely to know there are so many people out there who so deeply adore the Hawks.

  3. Yes, I too love being there through your lens. Happy New Year Roger Paw! Keep on going. We need your insights, juxtaposing the natural world against the man-made. Mother Nature wins in the end.

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