Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

I now have a shop!

I am very excited to share the news that I now have a shop!

Here is the direct link:

You can otherwise find it by clicking on the new “Shop” link under the site’s banner or in the main menu.

In the shop you will find handmade items made by yours truly. I have been an artist all my life and have lately been focusing on fabric and textile art, which my shop will reflect at the moment.

Items include hand-knit and hand-embroidered items, however, I’ll add a variety of media as I create them so do check back!

Many of my creations will celebrate the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks while other themes will reflect my love of nature in general, city sights, traditional textile motifs, and so on.

I completed the ‘three egg’ pieces late last month and earlier this month so I find it fortuitous that Sadie so happened to lay three eggs this year.


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16 thoughts on “I now have a shop!

  1. I love the knit/embroidered eggs also. So creative and imaginative!! Now why am I not surprised you are an artist. You have the soul and spirit of an artist, and a deep love for beauty in life and in nature. Best of luck with your shop!! Carlene

  2. Congratulations! Gorgeous items…I am very fond of the eggs also! I hope you’re thinking of doing something with Pip and Violet! Rena

  3. As our Hawks, Bobbie and Sadie go forward w/ creating something new this spring, it seems you,
    Roger_Paw , have done the same…Congratulations and good luck in your new enterprise.
    As we wish Bobbie and Sadie ,good things for their new babies, I wish the same for you,Roger_ Paw.

  4. Wow! What beautiful embroidery! You are truly skilled and have a wonderful eye for natures subtleties…I love the Hawk pendant! The eggs are lovely too! Great job on all of it!

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