Juno, the new male Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk, chased a young Red-tailed Hawk away from the park territory. Sadie perched close by.
Continue to the full post...Young Red-tailed Hawk is chased from Washington Square – June 22nd, 2019

The Red-tailed Hawks of Washington Square Park, NYC… mostly
Juno, the new male Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk, chased a young Red-tailed Hawk away from the park territory. Sadie perched close by.
Continue to the full post...An expanded search for Sadie and the fledgling offered new views of the Hawks’ regular perches. Juno got dive-bombed by a Mockingbird close to home.
Continue to the full post...I found the Washington Square Park fledgling a bit far northwest of the park. He was well outside the park bounds however Sadie and Juno circled close by.
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