Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Sunday errands’ Juvenile Hawk – January 19th, 2014

I spotted a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk when out running a Sunday morning errand today. It could have been the same juvie I’ve been running into lately. It was in the same neighborhood, albeit a few blocks southeast from where I usually see it.

It was relaxing on the edge of a chimney at Essex and Stanton Streets in the Lower East Side:

Hawk in the upper right-hand corner of the photo below:

It stepped onto the chimney cover:

It looked like it might have been enjoying heat that was rising from the vent:

Rosie and Bobby have their favorite chimney tops as well. We mainly see them seated on chimney covers along West 3rd Street and on an apartment building just north of Washington Square Park.

The juvenile flew to a lower perch after six minutes:

It was lucky I had my camera and telephoto lens with me!

In Washington Square Park news, one fellow Hawk-watcher saw one of the Hawks soaring and circling about the park. Later on another friend saw Bobby visit the nest at one point for a little while.

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